Thierry Nouspikel

Helping understand the clock cycles used by the TMS9900

Felix Nawothnig

Rewriting the keyboard routines to work correctly on non-US keyboards

Suggestions for enhancements

Dave Ginskey

Helping improve the joystick support

Reporting and diagnosing SDL audio problems under Linux

Providing feedback and suggestions

Mell Grubb

Suggesting the idea of using file extensions to distinguish exported, non-FIAD, file types

Sylvain Schmidt

Suggesting NTSC/PAL options & frameskip

Providing feedback on performance on slower PCs

Jeremy Stanley

Providing a hack to work around a bug in MSVC++ and getting the Win32 Release build working again

Edward Swartz (Creator of V9T9)

I borrowed the srcComp/dstComp 'trick' from Edward's code to simplify/speed up the ST register logic

Establishing a standard file format for stand alone file - v9t9's FIAD

M.A.M.E/M.E.S.S. Team

I used the generator polynomials from their sn76496.c file to get noise to work correctly.

Reminding me that the volume levels are in dB and not linear.

Andrea Mazzoleni

Developing and sharing the Scale2X algorithm for improving the appearance of scaled images

Lance Norskog 'And Sundry Contributors'

Much of the TMS5220 code is based on their LPC-10 code

Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer and Laszlo Molnar

Providing UPX - the Ultimate Packer for eXecutables (http://upx.sourceforge.net)

Michael Grossman

Providing an image of a CF7+/nanoPEB device

Marco Gastreghini

Helping to get ti99sim running on a raspberry pi

Vincent Hardy

Helping to update Linux Makefiles